Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Geek thoughts and more

I know it has been awhile since I've been on the social radar and I do apologize, although it's unlikely that anyone noticed. First timers to the blog, know this...I am not an artist, an author or anyone famous; I am simply a geek. The whole purpose of this blog is to embrace horror and to try my damnedest to promote indie creators. Anyone just getting into the business understands the importance of reaching out to the masses to establish a fan base. I am not a professional but I am a techie and try my hardest to pimp your shit through the social media circus. Alright then on to the business...

Update from the 'Cutter' Team

As far as the Comic Book goes well K.N. Porter and Christopher Gibbs are patiently waiting while the book is in the process of being printed. There have many many set backs due to computer mishaps and such but stick with us the release date is around the corner. In the meantime K.N. continues to work on her novel and some other small works that should be coming to fruition here shortly. Mr. Gibbs continues to bust out amazing artwork for the upcoming 'Cutter' books and is hard at work on the business end of production.

Sweet stuff

History Channel's "Vikings" - I have always been a fan of these giant, axe wielding, killing machines. This show is an excellent depiction of true bad-ass-ery done in a classy way. Season one is finished but you should definitely find the episodes and watch them.

NBC's "Hannibal" - Over the years serial killer shows have become quite redundant. This show differs due to a combination of fantastic writing and stellar acting. This show will work your brain and bring your mind into the deepness. Check it out!!!!

Warm Bodies - I don't much entertain the romance/drama genre but I must say this movie was well done. It is almost impossible to explain it more without sounding like a pansy so just watch the movie. 

Popped Culture - If you are a geek and enjoy art then you should certainly check out this blog. It is one of my favorite blogs and it is updated often. You can find quirky art on TMNT, Reservoir Dogs, Star wars, Spider man and much more.

The Cosmicomicon - I recently stumbled upon this blog which peaked my interest. I've enjoyed it mostly because of it's randomness. Author T.E. Grau brings you on a virtual journey of strange things. Who doesn't like strange things?

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